Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Number: KP.

Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency of Indonesia opened the Candidate registration for Civil Servants (CPNS) to fill the vacancy formation Civil Servants (PNS) POM RI in 2010 to be placed on the POM RI Central and Central / Balai POM throughout Indonesia (list attached formation .)

General Requirements
  1. Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, which devoted to God Almighty, loyal and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
  2. Age as of December 1, 2010:
    • Education D3 highest 24 years (born after 30 November 1986).
    • S1 highest 26 years (born after 30 November 1984).
    • Profession highest 28 years (born after 30 November 1982).
    • Education S2 maximum of 30 years (born after 30 November 1980)
  3. For applicants who are over the above requirements and the highest 35 years old at the time of TMT (As of Start Date) December 1, 2010 are required to have recent work experience of at least 2 (two) years of service at one agency or private institution of legal entities that support national interest, primarily related to the Food and Drug Administration functions (standardization, evaluation, inspection, testing, investigation) or government administration. At the time of registration must submit evidence of the Original / verified Letter of Appointment and Dismissal Decision / Statement still working from the head of Agency / Company.
  4. For certificates obtained from the school / college abroad is acceptable only if it has been recognized and set equal to the diploma from universities established by the Minister responsible for national education.
  5. Applicants must have a grade point average (GPA):
    • Education D3 State University is accredited with GPA minimum 2.75.
    • D3 Education Private Colleges accredited with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
    • S1 State University is accredited with GPA minimum 2.75.
    • S1 Education Private Colleges accredited with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
    • Education S2/Profesi State University is accredited with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (see GPA S2/Profesi Education and accreditation in accordance with para-S1 1.e.iii).
    • Private Higher PendidikanS2/ProfesiPerguruan accredited with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (GPA S2/Profesidilihat Education and accreditation in accordance with para-S1 1.e.iv).
    • Note: Procurement Team CPNS Badan POM RI in 2010 will impose ranking system based on the highest GPA in accordance with job requirements and competencies to determine the number of examinees.
  6. Not being in the status of learning.
For more information please click the following Portal : Website BPOM