General Banker Staff
- Indonesian citizenship, male/ female
- Maximum 25 years old by August 31, 2011 (not yet celebrate the 26th birthday)
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) degree from reputable PTN/ PTS, preferably majoring in:
- Economics (Banking, Accounting and Development Studies)
- Law (Civil and Criminal)
- Computer Science/ Information Management/ Informatics Engineering
- Engineering
- Minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
- Minimum height 160 cms for male and 155 cms for female
- Bodied and proportional weight
- English proficiency both oral and written
- Computer literate minimum Microsoft Office
- Willing to be placed in all around Indonesia
- Not married and willing to not get married for 2 years
- Willing to undergo service association (ikatan dinas) for 3 years