Tenaga Pandu
- Maximum age 35 years old as of July 1, 2011
- Certified pelau! nautical experts minimal ANT III
- Experience minimal bertayar as skipper 3 (league) year
- Fluent in English (Active)
- minimum height 162 em
- Healthy and Drug-free
- No color blindness and normal visual acuity (do not look in the mirror positive eye and or negallf)
- Willing to undergo bond department
- Willing to be placed in the region PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)
- Resume (curriculum vitae)
- Copy of diploma legalized
- Copy of valid ID card
- Copy of seaman book
- Copy of birth certificate / letter knew that legalized birth
- Description Copy of The Sailing and training certificates owned kepelautan
- Health certificate from doctor
- Recent photograph size 4 x 6 4 (four) pieces
- Participants who passed the selection will be included in training for prospective students Pandu + 8 (eight) months with education and accommodation expenses borne by the company.