Tenaga Pandu
- Maximum 35 years old by July 1, 2011
- Graduated as Pelaut Ahli Nautika minimum ANT III
- Minimum 3 years sail experience as Captain
- Fluent in English (active)
- Minimum height 162 cms
- Bodied and free of illegal drugs
- Not color-blind and normal visual acuity (no glasses)
- Willing to undergo service association
- Willing to be placed in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) operational area
Required Documents
- Curriculum vitae
- Legalized copy of certificate
- Copy of valid ID card
- Copy of Buku Pelaut
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Masa Berlayar and sailor training certificates
- Surat Keterangan Sehat by Doctor
- Recent 4x6 photograph 4 pieces