BRI Sharia name chosen to describe the Bank's direct relationship with PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, hereinafter called the Bank Rakyat Indonesia, which is one terbsesar banks in Indonesia. BRISharia is a subsidiary of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, which will serve the banking needs masyarakant Indonesia using principles of sharia.
We invite professionals that has a performance and a good track record to join us in building a modern retail banks based on sharia, to fill several positions:
- Retail and SME Accounts Officer (AO-RS) For placement in Surabaya and its surrounding (Gresik, Jombang and Bangkalan)
- Consumer Loan Officer (AO-C) For placement of Surabaya, Jombang and Bangkalan
- Funding Officer (FOR) For placement Gresik and Bangkalan
- Male or female, maximum age 30 years
- Graduate Degree (S1) and have experience in same position min 3 years
- Having a good attitude and character
- Have good communication skills and
- Having a good portfolio and customerbase
General requirements:
- Male or female, maximum age 35 years
- Graduate Degree (S1) and have experience in similar position min 2 years
- Having a good attitude and character
- Have good communication skills and
- Having a good portfolio and customerbase
Example: (AO-C) Jombang / SO Mikro Bangkalan
Application documents sent to:
KCI BRI Syariah Surabaya
Jl Raya No 40 Surabaya Gubeng